26 July 2011

Project #3- Why walls are like snowflakes

I have realized that no two walls are alike, no matter how similar they may appear on the outside.  In my grand remodel, my plan was to open a doorway between the kitchen and living room and to remove the wall between the kitchen and dining room.  The progress on the doorway between the kitchen and living room has been great!  There were two outlets that needed moved, but that was not a big deal. 

I recently began work on removing the wall between the kitchen and dining room.  I used a similar method for removing the drywall, but instead of a hatchet I used fists and feet this time.  Unfortunately, the results were not as good.  After several holes had been punched/kicked in the drywall, the following was revealed...

That is correct.  That is a giant metal pipe behind the drywall.  Some detective skills revealed that it is attached to the hot water heater in the basement, and that it runs completely through our house and out the roof!  My favorite search engine informs me that this is used to vent harmful carbon monoxide gas out of the house.  It also tells me to never attempt moving it unless I want to die in my sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning.  Do they really have to be so dramatic?  I say yes, because until I read that, I was still considering moving it. 

For now, my plan to eliminate the wall between the kitchen and dining room has been altered.  Removing a wall sounds simple enough, but you never know what will be inside!  Could be nothing...or it could be certain death!  And that, my friends, is why walls are like snowflakes.

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