17 July 2011

One Enemy Defeated

Based on where I live, I was convinced that deer were going to be the biggest enemies to my garden.  There is a walking path behind my house where I have literally seen a herd of deer going for a late night stroll, straight down the paved walkway.  I have seen them step over our neighbor's fence and also pick every single apple off of my apple trees that was within 10 feet of the ground. 


Even though I decided to put in a four-foot fence around the yard, I figured this would do little more than irritate them.  To my surprise, I have not seen them in the yard since the fence was installed.  This might be in part to my dogs Ajax and Dante who patrol the yard and bark at anyone or anything that might so much as even look in the general direction of the yard.  Needless to say, the neighbors adore them. 

Dante and Ajax

I have read about numerous methods to deter deer, such as putting out human hair, rubbing soap on trees, and even urinating around the perimeter of the yard.  But it seems as though the best deterrent is having two big, loud dogs.  Glad I dodged the bullet on peeing around my yard, and I'm sure the neighbors would rather put up with the dogs.

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