The garden is taking shape. Several weeks ago, we rented a tiller and tilled the area for the garden. After much deliberation, I decided on an area that is 39' long and 17' wide. That is 663 square feet! I seriously considered creating another garden of the same size on the other side of the yard, but that would have been more than 1300 square feet for me to take care of. I did not foresee that turning out well, so I stuck with what I had.
During a conversation with my mom and sisters, I realized that, perhaps, I have little to no idea what I am doing. But that is not necessarily a bad thing! We were discussing potato plants because my sister plans on planting hers in a container of some sort. I explained that I had just planted mine and then planted strawberry plants in between the potatoes. My sister laughed and said, "You know that you will have to start digging potatoes up a few feet around where you planted them, right?" This could very well mean that I will have to dig up the strawberry plants to get to the potatoes. We will have to see how that goes.
After tilling the garden area, we realized that our dogs might invade it, so we decided to build a small fence around it. I think it looks pretty awesome! Talk about sustainable living. I just hope our neighbor doesn't care that we took all of his branches.
The fence reminds me of something off of Little House on the Prairie. Very awesome.