20 March 2011

Early Risers

Two weeks is a long time in the life of a seed, so I have learned.  It has been two weeks since I planted some seeds in a miniature green house in my laundry room.  I had heard that it is a good idea to start things such as broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and peppers inside several weeks before it is time to plant them in the garden, so I did just that. 

Every day after planting the seeds, I would stare at the dirt, looking for something to indicate that this was going to work.  After four consecutive days of being disappointed, on the fifth day things began to change.  The tiniest little green stem was sticking out of the dirt.  I didn't even care what it was, I was so excited!  Naturally, I beckoned everyone in the house into the laundry room to marvel at this little speck of green by yelling, "It's growing!!".  Every day after that, something new would sprout up until, eventually, all 50 pots had something alive in them. 

Now my spindly little forest is getting bigger and stronger every day, just waiting for me to plant them outside.  It's kind of funny how all of the plants grow at an angle toward the window, but within one day of me turning them the opposite direction they grow back toward the window.  What is even more incredible is that out of one tiny seed no bigger than the question mark on your keyboard will come ten, twenty or even thirty pounds of food. 

1 comment:

  1. I can hear you yelling "it's growing" excitedly LOL :) That's awesome!
